EczemaSoothe Ingredients - Safe & Effective

All the ingredients in EczemaSoothe have a extensive record of safety and are approved by dermatologists for Eczema.

Eczema Sooth Active Ingredients:

  • 1. Gotu Kola - Helps epidermis maintain its thickness

    This remarkable compound gets to the root of Eczema by preventing the thinning of your skin – the main reason why the skin becomes sensitive to the environment. It repairs damaged skin tissue and improves synthesis of collagen to maintain your skin’s strength

  • 2.Aloe Vera Leaf Extract - Helps skin heal itself & removes bad bacteria

    Natural polysaccharides promote healing of skin through gentle anti-inflammatory activity. This ingredient also clears bacteria that invade within deep layers of tissue through its anti-microbial activity.The reason why this extract is so beneficial is because of its high concentrations of amino acids, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and essential fatty acids.

  • 3.Vitamin E - Protects skin cells from environmental damage & prevents scarring

    One of the most common causes of Eczema skin damage is free radicals that from when inflamed skin cells lose their ability to metabolize oxygen properly. Vitamin E is a potent natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and stops Eczema from damaging your skin.
    It also speeds healing of your skin and prevents scarring or premature aging of the skin.

  • 4.Glucose Moisturizer - Moisturizes skin and allows pores to breathe

    Methyl gluceth helps pull moisture into your skin and keeps it there. It retains moisture by binding to water molecules within the skin and preventing skin dryness & roughness. It also helps open your pores and blocked follicles, allowing them to breathe and keep your skin looking radiant.

  • 5.Yarrow Extract - Stops skin eruptions from allergies and rash outbreaks from Eczema

    Yarrow helps repair damage in skin tissue by tapering your body’s inflammatory response during an Eczema flare-up. It does this by constricting tissue where excess blood has pooled and uses its antiseptic properties to void harmful microbes, relieving the irritation.

  • 6.Arnica Flower Extract - Relieves Eczema irritation & enhances skin healing

    Natural compounds called lactones & flavonoids, help reduce pain and inflammation caused by Eczema. It allows the immune system to stop its attack on the skin surface and also helps clear fungi & bacteria that may be irritating your skin.

  • 7.Chamomile Extract - Eases Eczema discomfort by soothing nerves in affected area of skin

    This ingredient has shown to be as effective as hydrocortisone in double-blind studies. The extract helps relax irritated nerves so that you can find comfort as your skin heals from Eczema. It also helps soften your skin and improves the health of the tiny capillaries that supply blood to it.

  • 8.Hypoallergenic Silicones - Form a thin protective barrier on the upper layer of skin

    Two compounds, dimethicone & cyclopentasiloxane, are non-toxic silicones that form a very thin but effective shield on the epidermal layer of your skin.These compounds do not get absorbed into the deep layers and simply form a water-proof umbrella that pulls your natural oils into the top layers and locks in moisture into the epidermis. As soon as these ingredients are applied to your skin, they evaporate leaving your skin feeling silky smooth.

  • 9.Comfrey - Soothes skin through anti-inflammatory action

    Mucilage is an active constituent in comfrey that helps its host plant retain water. This benefit is passed onto your skin and when this action is combined with its anti-inflammatory action, you find immediate relief that also leaves your skin looking supple.

  • 10.Aminomethyl Propanol - To ensure EczemaSoothe is pH balanced perfectly

    One of the root causes of Eczema is the loss of your protective acid layer (acid mantle) because of alkaline soaps and creams. This ingredient helps adjust the lotion’s pH so that you can reestablish the proper pH of your skin and maintain the protective barrier.

Notice how each ingredient’s effect combines with the others to provide you complete protection from Eczema.

The EczemaSoothe formula is remarkably effective because it combines some of the most effective Eczema relieving substances in a single synergistic blend.

Success Stories

“My son who barely turned 2 has had a terrible problem with his Eczema. His rashes tend to form around his cheeks, hands and armpits. He would constantly touch his face and turn red scratching them. We tried every over-the-counter lotion and even tried hydrocortisone. Nothing helped. This was before we tried EczemaSoothe. We applied the lotion on him the day it arrived. I knew it was different just from the consistency of the lotion. It was a lot more smoother and fluffier than other lotions. What surprised me was how quickly his skin began to heal. By night the redness was down to half and the chaps & cracks were sealed by the time he was sleeping. I was shocked to see his skin almost completely healed by the second night. EczemaSoothe doesn’t just work – it works fast”

- Maya L. MN

“I’ve always had Eczema prone skin which tends to get worse unexpectedly. My hands are usually where I get it and nothing has ever worked for me. As a sophomore in college, I was really embarrassed to show my hands to anyone and afraid that people may think I had a disease. Someone in my dorm who also suffered from Eczema had bought a bottle of EczemaSoothe and I decided to try a pump. That’s all I tried – a single pump and then rubbed it over my hands and palms! What struck me the most was how moisturized my skin felt without the oily feeling. I also noticed that my hands stopped burning and the itchiness went away. Even the crusts on the inflamed areas settled down and softened. That’s when I knew I needed EczemaSoothe and had my own bottle within 24 hours”

- Chrtistie M. MT

“EczemaSoothe is better than any other lotion, cream or ointment you can find for Eczema. My dermatologist diagnosed my condition as severe atopic Eczema that covered 50% of my body including my arms, legs and face. I barely ever got out of my house and the discomfort had made my life miserable. I had started from calamine and had built up to a closet full of products that supposedly could help me. Nothing did a thing except add more chemicals to my already sensitive skin. EczemaSoothe however, was very different. It penetrated my skin and instantly gave me a soothing feeling that lasted the entire day. I can’t imagine living without this lotion. It has really improved the quality of my life”

- Josh F. WV

“I have very sensitive skin that is allergic to everything under the sun. The only thing that helped keep my Eczema relatively down was steroid creams. However, I noticed that the longer I used these creams the drier my skin got within hours. That’s when I read about how these creams suppress your own healing process and cause a dependency. I wanted something that worked but was also gentle on my skin. That’s when I found out about skin relayering with hypoallergenic lotions that contain natural compounds. EczemaSoothe delivered what I needed. It helped ease my Eczema without irritating my skin. In fact, it is such an amazing moisturizer that my husband uses it for his hands and chapped feet and my mother calls it the most amazing moisturizer she has used’

- Shawna G. NY